NEWTECH 2022 (https://newtech2022.sciencesconf.org) will bring together experts from academia and industry to share knowledge, ideas, experiences, research results and information in the field of manufacturing concerning topics on:

1. Reconfigurable technologies and equipments,

2. Digital inspection and control in manufacturing,

3. High speed machining,

4. Forming Processes under severe loadings,

5. Smart technologies for materials forming,

6. Advances in welding technologies,

7. Micro and Nanotechnologies,

8. Micro-Macro scale coupling concerning material behavior during special manufacturing,

9. Additive manufacturing,

10. Reverse engineering and Inverse Analysis,

11. Artificial Intelligence in manufacturing processes,

12. Manufacturing process optimization,

13. Modeling and numerical simulation of processing technology,

14. PLM and maintenance for Industry 4.0

Successful previous editions of NEWTECH have been organized during the time in Galati, 2009 – Prof. V. Paunoiu; Brno, 2011 – Prof. M. Piska; Stockholm, 2013 -  Prof. C. Nicolescu; Wroclaw, 2015 – Prof. J. Jedrzejewski, Belgrade, 2017 – Prof. V. Majstorovic; 2020 - On-Line Romania, Prof. V. Paunoiu (https://www.newtech2020.ugal.ro/photo.html).

All the selected papers will be send for publication to one of ISI/Scopus indexed International Proceedings of SPRINGER, EDP SCIENCES or IOP associated journals, see other International WoS Editions subject to the compliance with journal's guidelines, terms and conditions.




The NEWTECH2022 website was built and designed by Assoc. Prof. Habil. Dr. Adinel GAVRUS with the support of SciencesConf Org (www.sciencesconf.org)

Mechanics Year/Annee Mecanique

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